Hello Listers, My method of making CS is to put 30 volts DC across two 4 inch long, .999 silver wires, sitting 1 1/2 inches apart in 16 oz of clear, de-ionized water until I get an indication of a starting mist.
Counting time from this event, I de-plate silver particles from the positive element for 30 minutes. After stirring, I get a uniform, slightly gray, misty solution. I view the liquid by passing a strong, narrow beam of light through the side of the glass jar with a Mag-lite pencil/pocket flashlight. The "misty" look in the beam proves to me I have silver particles. I have placed a drop of this CS under a microscope and, using various powers up to 400, have not been able to see any indication of silver particles. Was this power level too low for observing CS particles? I understand correct particle size to be .001-.015 microns. Are these sizes too small to be seen @ 400X? Would a dark field microscope show particles at this power? Any suggestions/comments/help out there? Listening...................Tom Bassett