Hi, friends at silver-list!
The re did work and went to the right place, Mike!

Dear James at Silver List,

Thanks very much for sharing this information.  I found it fascinating.  I hope 
you will continue to share your findings with us!

Nancy Berntsen

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                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart
                            And lean not on your own understanding,
                            In all your ways acknowlege him
                            And he will direct your paths.

        colloidal silver research
        Fri, 16 Jan 1998 23:13:45 +0000

Hi Listers,
        I wanted to write and fill you in on what I have been doing to
research the home-made CS.
        I have been using a darkfield microscope and looking at the
particles, and comparing the homemade with some commercial 500ppm CS.
        My first look at my CS showed rather large particles and no Brownian
movement in the particles. I used salt in my solution and my
batteries were weak. The commercial CS showed small particles and
lots of Brownian movement.
        The next I looked at was made by a friend,
basically the same way, but he had new batteries. The particles were
about the same size except for the ones moving with Brownian
movement, probably about 25% of the particles were moving.
        Monday night I made some CS this time using suggestions given here
on the list. I used no salt, I heated the water very hot (other CS I
made had heated water but not for as long), had new batteries. I ran
the CS for 40 minutes. The effect started almost as soon as I turned
on the switch. (I live 2,000 feet above sea level which may have a
bearing on this).
        Under the darkfield microscope this homemade looked very much like
the commercial silver. There were very small particles and lots of
Brownian movement. By "eyeball" guestimate, we believe the ppm of the
homemade CS to be around 100ppm. There were some big chunks of silver
in the solution which could be filtered out with a coffee filter, but
to my amazement, the commercial silver had some chunks in it as well.
        I will do more research on this as I continue along. Maybe at a
later date I can test some of your CS, once I am sure what I need to
see to be sure the CS is a good type. I can only use the darkfield
one day a week right now, but I am buying it, and will own it one day
and have it all the time, so I could (for a small fee) look at it
under the microscope to help everyone know if they are getting a
small particle size and if they have Brownian movement.
        I will keep you posted on what I learn.
        God Bless you all!
        James L. Einert, N.D.