Re: Rife/CS dosing

You may obtain a video and construction manual for a Rife-like machine from 
Dr. James Bare, DC in Albuquerque New Mexico for about 50 bucks.  If you 
cannot find his numbers, write me privately and I will dig it up.  It is 

Remember with attempting to dose silver:  you are only wasting it when you 
take to much; other than the occasional Herx, at the beginning of a course, 
 in the presence of an organism with endotoxins, there will be no bad side 
effects.  If you are making your own, and are really sick a wild guess 
would be at least 3 ounces per day.  Taking it with a bit of MSM solution 
and Gatorade will increase the effective dose about 4X due to an increase 
in the absorption and transport rate in the body.

Remember; one user has been doing nine ounces a day of 10 PPM for 9 years. 
 That same user has reported to me at least one cure of lymphoma.  Another 
anecdotal report.

James Osbourne, Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:   Thursday, May 20, 1999 8:51 AM
Subject:        CS> Help for Lymphoma

Dear List:

      A lady my husband works with has a mother that has been diagnosed 
Lymphoma.  She is doing chemotherapy and I am not sure what else.  She 
like to try the Colloidal Silver also.  I know I have read somewhere that 
cancer treatments the Colloidal Silver enhances the chemo therapy and makes 
recovery quicker.  Can anyone tell me how much she should take and if there 
is any other good alternatives along with the CS.  We are interested in the 
Rife machine but I haven't seen any directions on the web for making one. 
just may not be looking in the right area though.  I am on the Rife list 
I don't feel comfortable enough to ask them things like I do on this list.
Those folks seem really techie.  LOL  My husband is a Manufacturing 
and if someone could point me in the right direction we could easily make a 
Rife Machine I think.  I also know that some on this list are also well
versed in the Rife Machine and could possibly help a lot.  Thanks for any
help you can offer.
     By the way Mike he thought your letters on the gun control were
excellent as you just said what he has been saying for years.

Thanks for your help all,

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