Please do not refer to MSM as an "element".  It is a chemical compound.  I
don't know whether MSM exists naturally in the body at all, but if it does
it is at incredibly trace levels.  You are referring to the element sulfur,
which is present in a few of the essential amino acids like cystein and

Although there is a valid point in favor of sulfur supplementation, and MSM
may be an efficient way of getting sulfur into the body, there is no RDA for
MSM.  Most of the sulfur ingested by a person in a natural diet consists of
sulfur containing amino acids in consumed proteins and in sulfates from
minerals in drinking water.

I take MSM myself, so I am not knocking the product.  I am knocking claims
misleading people to believe that it (MSM, not sulfur) is an essential
nutrient or a natural product.  As I define "natural product"  (derived or
refined exclusively from plant or animal sources without synthetic
chemicals) it does not qualify.

Now the question of binding to silver.  Does silver bind to sulfur?
Absolutely.  The black tarnish on silverware is largely sulfur compounds.
Will MSM precipitate colloidal silver in vitro?  I don't know, haven't
tested it.  And even if it did the kinetics of the process might render it
insignificant on consumption, particularly if spaced.  How about other
sources of sulfur?  Is there any problem with taking colloidal silver near a
meal with a lot of beans and onions?  No idea.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim J Eastman <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Does MSM bind with CS? Is it a problem to take Charcoal with

>Tim here,..
>MSM is already in the body reguardless of you taking suppliments or not.
>It's the third (or fourth) most common element in the body but *can* be
>supplimented with outstanding results.
>MSM in the body will produce colligen(sp?) when combined w/ vitamin C. This
>helps those of us with sore joints immensely. It also helps the
>of cell walls and lung tissue so that food/oxygen/wastes are handled with
>less work. Which brings us to your question of whether or not in BINDS with
>Silver; like I said,. MSM is already in the human body. If ANYthing it
>probably HELPS the body assimilate and use it more effectively.
>I have no clue how activated charcoal would perform with either one as I
>have absolutely no experience with it other than my kitchen faucet. I *DO*
>know it works GREAT there!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 11:01 AM
>Subject: CS>Does MSM bind with CS? Is it a problem to take Charcoal with
>Here are two questions asked by a member of the candida forum I thought you
>good folks could answer:
>>From Mike:
>"I've just started MSM 500 mg.
>Does MSM bind with Colloidal Silver ?
>Could MSM interfere with Colloidal Silver ?
>Would it be a good idea to alternate each day between MSM and Activated
>Charcoal ?"
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