
I wrote:

 >Regarding the Walmart water, I bought some the other day. I don't
> know if it's always the same brand or not but the one I bought says
> "Great Value" and cost me $.57. It also says "Bottled by BDawl-Plant
> #20. Source: Artesian Water. Micron filtered and ozonated". It
> didn't say anything about ultraviolet light nor did it use the word
> "steam" anywhere on it.

And then you wrote:

>It will contain more than enough dissolved minerals to make it
>unuseable for making CS. You just won't know what you've got in your
>CS, and somebody *else* will be determining what you get.

I must have been having a "senior moment" when I wrote the above post. When
I read it again I realized that I left out the most important part of it.
The label DOES say "distilled"!!
It just doesn't say "STEAM distilled". And evidently the source of water
they used was from an artesian well.

So, Mike, in view of this new information, I hope you will now tell me that
there are not dissolved minerals in my brand new batch of CS!!! Oh, please.
Oh, please.


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