Hello all
I have permission from Vince to repost this message.  There apparently was
not much missing.

-----Original Message-----
From: 3wis...@wishgranted.com [mailto:3wis...@wishgranted.com]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 1999 2:06 PM
To: Andrew Sloop
Subject: Private reseach

Hello Andrew,

I would like to mention that the communication below is written by an
experienced medical technologist, whom is in charge of a lab at a
hospital. (currentuy annonymous) It should be noted that this medical
technologist is quite experienced, and that the tests were done at the
hospital lab. However; this is private research, such as it is.

I feel it is important to push this type of information forward.  This
information and much more will be presented in our next version of
"The colloidal silver maker & researchers manual".

Synergenesis, (TM) Inc.
Vince Goetsch
Pres. / Chmn.

"I have been doing my own research on colloidal silver. It was only
amonth ago that it came to my attention; firstly,because a friend handed
me a generator asking what I thought about it and secondly, because I
had just read a comment by U.S. Justice Dept.. Attorney-investigator
John Loftus about a substance called Movidyn which the Russians
found being produced in the satellite state of Czechoslovakia. They were
more than a little concerned and removed the plant because Movidyn
was found to be an effective antidote against every microorganism in
their bio-warfare arsenal ! Then, Loftus said Movidyn was a powder form
of colloidal silver !
 Since pure drinkable water may become a life and death issue in this
country within the next 12 months, I became very interested. My
investigations have only proven half of what I'd like to know but I am
convinced that colloidal silver is definitely an amazing substance. I'll
share what I have determined so far.
 Firstly, the pure Coll.. Ag should be generated slowly in pure
water (no salt or other additive) with a 27, or preferably, 36 volt source,
and with .999 pure silver electrodes. Carried to a self limited end point

where electrode oxide forms too rapidly to continue generation), a strong
solution is produced which is colorless and crystal clear at the time. But
after 12-24 hours (store in a dark place), the solution accomplishes what
is called colloid dispersion whereon it turns a beautiful yellow-gold to
amber-gold color- the deeper, the higher the colloid content. Still the
solution is crystal clear. Now, at the time of generation, or after
dispersion, you can appraise yourself of the presence and concentration
(relatively) of the colloidal silver content via the 'Tyndal effect' method.
This is best done with one of these laser pen lights. In a dark room you
direct the light beam through the solution (in a glass container). The
colloid particles will cause the appearance of a distinct shaft of white
light through the solution, sometimes as distinct as a shaft of wood.
(Pure water will give no such effect at all.)
 In my work, I have not had the advantage of quantitative ' parts per
million' analysis of the solutions I have generated.(I understand that
such is a little expensive.) So far, I have bent my investigation toward
anti-bacterial studies. In these studies, I have used CDC standard
pathogenic organisms- Staph.aureus, beta hemolytic streptococcus
pyogenes, Psuedomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis and Bacillus
subtillus (spore former), and Escherichia coli. Test suspensions of these
organisms for testing have been BHI broth type at concentration of
approximately one million organisms per cc. In other words, so far I have
tested with an overburden of bacterial concentration. Shortly, I will test
for effect with lightly contaminated specimens.(as I can find time!)
 So- my delightful findings so far are these- with a strongly generated
Coll.Ag. Sol. used against very strong suspension of each of the above
mentioned organisms:
 If I inoculate 2 cc. Ag. Sol. with one drop (50,000
organisms), I
get a total kill in less than 3 minutes. (total kill determined by
of the Ag. and organism mixture to a Blood Agar plate and incubating
overnight); then I can take the original Coll. Ag. solution and make
dilutions in distilled water at 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16, 1:32, 1:64 etc. Then,
when I
inoculate these dilutions with the above pathogens I can get a total kill
of all six types all the way to the 1:32 dilution with an exposure time of 3
minutes! That has been very impressive to me. I realize that I now need
work of a finer nature but I first wanted to prove the raw kill power of
Coll.. Ag. for myself. I think that a 1:32 dil.. that will kill pathogens at
50,000 org. per drop in less than 3 minutes is really something.( And
when I say kill I mean there is not one colony on the Blood Agar plates,
and I always run a control plate on each organism suspension which
demonstrates the viability and count.)
 I am convinced that with lighter, more realistic concentration of the
organism and more than 3 min. reaction time, much greater dilution of the
Coll.. Ag Sol.. will
be found effective.....................
 Must close. Hope this info.is of value. Wishing you and yours the

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