>Try this one: http://www.davidicke.com/icke/index.html  Look at his books.
> His latest, The Greatest Secret makes a claim that the Queen of England is
>a shape shifting lizard controlling the Earth from the lower fourth
>dimension and that the United States is really "The Virginia Company"
>operating under another name and is still controlled from England.
>  England, you must surely know, is a one square mile area in London; the
>financial district.  A different entity than 'Great Britain".   Not a
>member of the UN, like "New Columbia"---Washington D.C.'s most current
>incarnation---and the same for the Vatican.  By  the way, did you know that
>every member nation of the UN is bankrupt?  Oh yes, and did you know that
>under international law, the creditor assumes military control of the
>debtor nation? Perhaps that explains the reports of NATO marked vehicles
>appearing on-site less than an hour after the Columbine incident started.
>James Osbourne, Holmes

Yeah?  I wonder what that guy is smoking??

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