There are many sources for quality CMO. One of the more reliable ones (we have used many)...especially if needing enough for more than a single course (the standard 10 day protocol) Beyond-a-Century A quarter teaspoon of the loose powder is, essentially, equivalent one 280 mg
I believe, TJ, on this list, handles CMO. If so, I believe you will find his product to be quite satisfactory. His original source was, I believe, from Vincent Gammill----one of the pioneers in the development of commercial CMO in the U.S.
I hope you find these comments of use, however, do remember I am not
recommending that one actually purchase product...specifically....from these sources----just that we have determined them to be reliable, for our the past.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
> Subject : CS>CMO
> Date : Mon, 16 Apr 2007 16:14:57 -0500 (CDT)
> From : Acmeair
> To :
>.-. Need help locating the gentleman that I bought CMO from, and I believe he is located in the Tennessee area. Any help out there? Thanks a lot, jim
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