Hi all,
Here in the UK, I have had several doctors say to my face, If I won't take
anti-viral therapy then they will not have my death on their hands & I
should go else where for my "alternative" treatment!

I always got a laugh when mentioning Colloidal Silver, well that was until
my blood tests showed a huge viral load drop & CD4 count on the up.
Yet both hospitals I visit every three months, still won't test the stuff I
make & they have no interest in discussing CS outside of the doctors office.

While mentioning this to some health advisors, one (of whom was about to
leave his job) blabbed about the bonus the doctors get for starting someone
on anti-viral therapy, with this info I figured my only hope is myself & my
own research.

Thanks to this list & all the helpful info, I have improved my health by at
least 90%, & I hope to be undetectable by next summer.

Just one last note, I've been taking 4 fluid ounces a day (10-15ppm) for
several months now & surprise I'm still not blue or grey :o)

Good health to you all, Simon Caleb - Silver Surfer

----- Original Message -----
From: James Osbourne, Holmes <a...@trail.com>

> The pharma-crooks spend about 4K/year/Doc on "promotional materials".
> James Osbourne, Holmes
> a...@trail.com

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