Dear Lisa,

Boy, the silence is profound.

You write:
> anti phospho lipid antibody syndrome, does anyone know of a remedy or
> relief, or how to treat it to any extent? someone is waiting for cancer
> surgery and they say they cant operate until this is alleviated,
> relieved, or not at all, and he will face death.

Google turns up many hits on this syndrome. Does he have primary or 
secondary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome? I.E., does he have an 
underlying autoimmune disorder, such as Lupus Erythematosus, of which 
the syndrome is a symptom or complication, or is the syndrome the 
primary condition? Are his platelets low? Where or in what way are the 
antibodies attacking him? 

Also, can you describe the cancer? I think that people here would  
likely be eager to share information on alternative cancer therapies.

Being the syndrome is an autoimmune disease with systemic effects, and 
considering that he has cancer, which is normally the result of 
extensive disordering of his internal state, aggressive wholistic 
approaches are what you are most likely to hear about.

One example would be Gerson therapy, that eliminates toxic and 
allergenic inputs, aids the body's detox processes, and provides 
extensive nutritional support.

It's unlikely there is a band-aid approach that will fix one aspect of 
his condition. He needs to rebuild from the bedrock on up.

I hope there might be some input from others. What you describe, 
though, is a complex situation that most students of alternative health 
are doing their best to avoid rather than have to treat.

Of course, anything complimentary or alternative that he does will need 
to be coordinated with his medical team, to whatever extent they are 
prepared to cooperate. Study everything you can until you are very sure 
of the reliability of the information and any risks involved.

Please let us know more, and any way that we may help.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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