Dear Frankie, Day, and everyone,

Frankie posted:
> > Here's a video of a song about 9/11.  When we understand what's going
> > on, then it makes sense about all the FDA attacks on our health.

Day responded:
> Mike; somehow I didn't think you would allow this type of Communist
> Propaganda on this list.

Let's clear up a couple of items...

I would like both of you, Day and Frankie, to visit 
and read the List Rules,  List Etiquette, and Discipline policy 
sections. In particular, please study the subsections on Prohibited 
Topics, Correcting Others, and Fixing Problems.

Frankie, politics is an inappropriate subject for the main list except 
for the occasional brief heads-up message on issues directly related to 
CS or to important alternative health matters. Debates over 9/11 or any 
other politically oriented controversy are clearly outside the list 
mission and are guaranteed to incite discord. So they're not allowed.

Day, it is appropriate to bring your complaints about other list 
members' behavior, or anything else about how the list is being run, to 
me in private e-mail, not to the main list.

In this case, you have assumed that I "would allow" the offending post, 
apparently not recognising that I do not pre-screen messages. How do 
you think your messages echo back to you within minutes of your posting 
them? They wouldn't if I was personally filtering them all! 

No, I deal with such matters after the fact, and most often privately, 
invisibly to all but the person needing the correction. I depend on 
every member to learn the ropes, regulate themselves and behave 

Your best contribution in this situation is to send me a private heads-
up to make sure I catch on to what's happening as soon as possible, and 
to NOT respond on list.

This message from me represents a part of the natural assistance that I 
give to members as needed so that they learn the rules and culture of 
the group. I hope both of you, and anyone else unfamiliar with these 
things, will learn from this incident so I don't need to correct you.

For those who want desperately to discuss politics or other prohibited 
topics, or to extend and deepen non-CS-related alternative health 
subjects, I offer the Silver Off Topic list, which you can also read 
about on the list web site.

A final reminder: A link to the list web site and my e-mail address are 
included in the footer that is attached near the bottom of *EVERY* 
message sent out by the list server, so you'll always be able to find 
them when you need to.

Thank you very much, everyone, for your patience, for your concern and 
for contributing.

Be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <>