In a message dated 6/28/99 2:23:31 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Most of the "perks" doctors receive are not money but golf trips, 
expensive gifts, freebies on lots of stuff compliments of the company that 
manufactures the particular brand of poison being pushed that month.

Someone in my family is the only nurse in a Dr. office.  She is constantly 
tellng me about the great food delivered to the office and many times she 
brings all sorts of things home the drug reps drop off.  I don't know what 
they do for the doc but if they can't get past her they don't see him so it 
is a never ending you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.  I will say in 
his defense, that he is a fine person that sometimes goes along with us 
ones that will not use drugs.

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