Mike; somehow I didn't think you would allow this type of Communist Propaganda on this list.

Eh?? Communist propaganda?? Not sure where you got that from...

Its no secret that the government is hiding what really happened with the WTC catastrophe.

Its no secret that the fires could not - NOW WAY - have melted the steel to the point of collapse.

Its no secret that Building 7 was brought down by DEMOLITIONS.

Its no secret that many of the so-called hijackers are still alive and well.

What is a secret is, just *who* was involved in this terrible crime at the top levels of our government. I think this video gives a good starting point for the criminal investigations that will probably never take place.

On 4/19/07, joe bloggs <whatserna...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Here's a video of a song about 9/11. When we understand what's going on,
    then it makes sense about all the FDA attacks on our health.
    Oooops, forgot the link:


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