Hi gang,
My wife gets an inflamed eye every month or so, all bloodshot and bad
pain. Recently she awoke with one. I told her to go downstairs and put
some cs in it. She said, "Oh, you think cs cures everything!" But she
went down and put three drops in. By the time she got back upstairs,
the pain was gone, and the inflammation was gone an hour later. Now she
is telling our friends about cs!
The same night, my 14-year old asked me what to do about a cluster of
four warts on the side of the ball of her foot. I told her to soak a
bandaid in cs and put it on her foot. She did, went to bed, and in the
morning found that the warts had turned white. She rubbed at them, and
they all crumbled off!
I've only been making cs for about two or three weeks, but I'm sure
I'll have more stories to come!
Terry Wayne
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