> What do people think of the discussions between
distilled water and ionized water for drinking? <

Oh, boy, you put your foot in it this time!

>From one of my articles, my own slant:

Everyone today is aware of the issue of water purity
and the dangers of chlorinated tap water. But the
importance of water in our diet is not confined to
water purity alone. Water is a carrier in our bodies.
It first is used to carry nutrients throughout our
bodies to the locations where those nutrients are
needed. Then it is used to carry metabolic
waste-products and toxins from throughout the body to
the eliminative organs to be disposed of. To do this,
the water must be empty of all minerals and chemicals.
If it is not, the body must first "distill" its own
water before utilizing it, which consumes extra
metabolic energy. This "full" and "empty" aspect of
water can be seen when you stir sugar into a glass of
water. The first spoonful dissolves and disappears
into the water, but if you keep stirring more sugar
into the water, eventually the sugar stops dissolving.
This is because the water has become saturated with
sugar. In the same way, if the water we put into our
bodies is already full of various substances, the
water will need to be "emptied" by the body before it
can carry the important nutrients extracted from our
food. 80% of our body is composed of water, and water
is the universal solvent and lubricant. It is the
primary ingredient in the process of digestion, and
plays an important part in every metabolic process
that occurs within our body.

There is controversy over the theoretical value of the
minerals found in water, but because of the importance
to the body for water to be "empty", water is not an
essential source of minerals. Indeed, according to Dr.
Carey Reams, more usable minerals are garnered from
the air we breathe than are found in water (which
demonstrates the value of clean, pure air!). In
addition to this, the minerals found in water are
inorganic, metallic minerals, not readily or easily
assimilable by the body, unlike food-derived minerals,
which the plant or animal they come from has converted
to an organic state. Add to this the uncertainty of
the wide variety of kinds and concentrations of
different minerals in the water which can be found in
wells, streams and reservoirs throughout the country,
and it's clear that water is an uncertain and
sometimes even risky source of minerals.

Although there are numerous processes used to purify
water (charcoal filtered, reverse-osmosis, deionised,
etc.), steam distillation is the process which fully
purifies and empties the water of not only all
pollutants, but of all minerals. Charcoal filtering is
an excellent method for removing most pollutants, but
does not remove minerals. Reverse-osmosis can remove
pollutants and minerals, but creates a negative-energy
state on the molecular level that interferes with
healthy metabolism. De-ionization removes minerals,
but the resin beds of this system are breeding grounds
for bacteria. Furthermore, de-ionization is not
efficient in removing synthetic chemicals such as
herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or industrial
solvents. Steam distillation duplicates the process
that occurs in nature (rainwater). It also charges the
water with energy on a molecular level, which energy
is utilized by the body. In fact, the only water that
is more charged with energy than distilled water is
the "heavy water" found in nuclear reactors.

One of the fallacies you might hear concerning
distilled water is the idea that distilled water will
remove or "leach" minerals from your body. But, in
fact, rather than removing minerals from your body,
your body must first remove the minerals from the
water you drink in order to best utilize it. Rain
water has always been the purest natural source of
water (though not any longer, of course, because of
pollution in the air). Rain water is nature's steam
distilled water, using the power of the sun.

End of article.

Let me add that I very much like the suggestion of
Mike Devour about adding Concentrace to distilled
water to get a mineral water with non-metallic
minerals that are easily assimilated by the body.

But also, I like to give my body empty water that it
can use to cleanse itself, as well as carry essential
nutrients to where they are needed.

Terry Chamberlin

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