There is controversy over the theoretical value of the minerals found
in water, but because of the importance to the body for water to be
"empty", water is not an essential source of minerals. Indeed,
according to Dr. Carey Reams, more usable minerals are garnered from the air we breathe than are found in water (which demonstrates the
value of clean, pure air!).

I remember Dr Schulze saying something very similar - that, yes, *some* minerals may be leeched from the system - but nothing that eating a few almonds wouldn't easily replace. In other words, it is a non-issue.

That said - there is something about plain distilled water that doesn't resonate well with me.

Now, don't get me started on *ozonated* water - *love* that stuff! Ozonating charges the water electrically - probably similar to some of the 'structured' water claims. All I know is it is *very* powerful stuff.

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