In a message dated 6/29/99 10:46:35 AM EST, writes:

> It would be better to go to a health food store or on-line source and
>  buy garlic-mullein in olive oil.  I have been told it is more
>  advantageous to have a carrier oil to put the garlic oil in.  Straight
>  garlic oil might be a bit too strong for some.  I have used the
>  garlic-mullein oil very successfully for ear infections.  There are lots
>  of essential oils which have very strong medicinal qualities, but all
>  are recommended to be diluted in a carrier oil for safety.  I used oil
>  of oregano straight once and burned myself.
>  Kristie

    Don't do what I did.  I treated a mild middle ear infection in my husband 
with mullein/olive oil.  No garlic.  I should have used 2-3 drops but thought 
"if some is good, more is better" and used about 6 drops twice daily.  After 
a period of about 2 weeks, he began losing hearing in one ear.   
    He went to the doctor who then sent him to a specialist.  It seems the 
gunk I was putting in there CAUSED a fungal infection.  It seems I was 
putting in so much that it had nowhere to drain.  It just sat in his ear and 
grew stuff.
     I don't know if adding garlic to the equation would solve this, but my 
advice is to just use 2-3 drops if you use it.  It needs somewhere to go once 
it's in there for awhile.

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