Received from a friend:

Received from a friend who is in the property
insurance business. It is
>well worth reading. This is one of those e-mails that
if you didn't send
>it, rest assured someone on your list will suffer for
not reading it. The
>original message was written by a lady whose brother
and his wife learned a
>hard lesson this past week. Their house burned
down... Nothing left but
>ashes. They have good insurance so the house will be
replaced with most of
>the contents - that is the good news. However, they
were sick when they
>found out the cause of the fire.
>   The insurance investigator sifted through the
ashes for several hours.
>He had the cause of the fire traced to the master
bathroom. He asked her
>sister-in-law what she had plugged in the bathroom.
She listed the normal
>things....curling iron, blow dryer. He kept saying to
her, "No, this would
>be something that would disintegrate at high
>    Then her sister-in-law remembered she had a Glade
Plug-In, in the
>bathroom. The investigator said that was the cause of
the fire. He said he
>has seen more house fires started with the plug-in
type room fresheners
>than anything else. He said the plastic they are made
from is THIN plastic.
>He also said that in every case there was nothing
left to prove that it
>even existed. When the investigator looked in the
wall plug, sure enough
>the two prongs left from the plug-in were still in
>    Her sister-in-law had one of the plug-ins that
had a small night light
>built in it. She said she had noticed that the light
would dim and then
>finally go out. She would walk in to the bathroom a
few hours later, and
>the light would be back on again. The investigator
said that it was getting
>too hot, and would dim and go out rather than just
blow the light bulb.
>Once it cooled down it would come back on. That is a
warning sign. The
>investigator said he personally wouldn't have any
type of plug in fragrance
>device anywhere in his house. He has seen too many
places that have been
>burned down due to them.
>     HOUSE FIRES PLEASE READ (From Chief Dornell)
>    Ok, I had one similar to this at my place in the
mountains; it used the
>slide-in packets. Last weekend I unplugged it to use
the outlet and found
>that the unit had melted and scorched the face of the
outlet so I decided
>to replace the outlet I went to my panel and shut off
the circuit breaker.
>   Upon pulling the cover plate I found that the
outlet had burnt away,
>melted a considerable portion in the interior plastic
wall box and wire
>insulation. Obviously, this got very hot and I was
very lucky that this did
>not cause a fire in the wall because I would have
certainly lost my place.
>   Notice that my breaker did not trip and I manually
shut it off.  I need
>to investigate why. Perhaps it was a steady current
and never caused a
>surge or arcing that would have tripped the circuit
breaker. I am
>encouraging everyone I know to pass on the fact that
these are potentially
>dangerous. The Consumer Products Safety Commission
does not have a recall
>on the specific model that I was using. However, they
will be hearing from
>me. Our Fire Prevention personnel will be using the
remnant that I brought
>back to help spread the word through the Fire
Prevention community as well.
>   If you use something similar to this or other
"plug-in" products take
>the time to pull them and toss them. We can't afford
to be the proving
>grounds for these devices. It is my opinion that
these are unsafe and
>should be pulled before something tragic occurs.

This danger in addition to the toxic chemicals they
fill your house with.

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