I'd suggest referring to the Life Extension Foundation studies. They are meticulously footnoted and often clear up confusing claims.

On Tuesday, May 8, 2007, at 03:01 Asia/Tokyo, Dee wrote:

It does say that there are different forms of Vit E but the body can only use one - the tocophorol (spelling?) form and the rest are just flushed out
  It uses a lot of different studies, not just one, which make it very
credible to me. It also said that in tests, these anti-oxidants *do* work in laboratory test tubes, but when human studies were done, they didn't have
positive results, rather the reverse in fact.  Dee

-------Original Message-------

From: Charles Marcus

Date: 05/07/07 18:47:15

To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Subject: CS>Re: Food as Medicine - Antioxidants Good or Bad For You?

The article doesn't even distinguish between different forms of Vit E or

C - which makes it virtually certain that the studies quoted that show

No good effects are using the synthetic / incorrect forms of these.

This is a classic ploy - don't fall for it.



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