Dear James & The Whole Untarnished Bunch of Medical Refugees,

Thanks for getting back to me...a follow up question follows....

<< > Re your post, below, what is the quantity of water?  And would this time
 > the same with battery power?
 The water volume is 8 ounces, and that is with 3 nine volts (27 volts).  I
 hope this helps.
 James Vernon, Allison >>

I am ever so slowly working my way around to making my own cs maker...but 
want to make 76 oz at a time (the size of my large glass container).  Is 
there anything I need to know about making CS like this?  Will a little 9V 
battery do?  Should the silver wires be long enough to almost touch bottom?  
And what was it again that should not be on the alligator clips...was it lead 

Thanks all for always being so helpful.

Best wishes,

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