>  Whats a herx reaction?


> Alleviated by reducing dosage to lower levels and allowing the body
>more time to eliminate the toxins. This herx may occur with usage of
>any  anti-microbal substance or drug.

I'm always puzzled when I read similar remarks -- not that it's incorrect,
but rather in my experience there's another approach. 

While I haven't had any herx reactions from CS, I have from other
alternative health protocols in the past (or from just cleaning up my diet),
and what I've found most beneficial is a mild herbal cleansing product
(laxative). The one I use is called Experience, from Awareness Corporation
(a MLM company), which is said to cleanse and elminate toxins in the body
down to the cellular level (intestines, organs, tissues, cells). I've found
it to be an excellent and very useful product. If, for example, I've
over-indulged in physical activity so much that my muscles could be sore the
next day (lactic acid build-up, as I recall), a single capsule the night
before prevents that. I also found it helpful (before I found CS) to help to
knock out some colds when they were first starting (the sore throat stage).

While I am personally sold on this particular product, I can't imagine that
there aren't other herbal products available in healthfood stores, for
example, that wouldn't also be very helpful in this way. I'd certainly say
it's worth a try, as long as the body is being gently ASSISTED with the
toxin elimination, not treated harshly.

Patricia Santhuff

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