Hi, re symptoms.....Is sore when you press around the top part. Is not tight 
but doesn't move around. Is not discolored; regular flesh color. No grains. 
Nothing inside. Been there a long time; more than a year. Hasn't bothered me 
but now since I was rubbing it (away I thought) it is bigger. Almost like fatty 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Faith Saint Francis 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:10 PM
  Subject: CS>Knot

  Respected readers of the Knot string.
  From what I know, you can distinguish a few things:
  Is it painful?
  Does it grow? 
  Is it loose, or is it tight, like bound to the bone or to the (muscle) tissue?
  Distinguish the color.
  Distinguish the hardness -- is it hard, soft, does it have grains in?
  Is there anything inside? (a single hair may cause a growth).
  How long has it been there?
  As a rule: Pain and immobility are warning signs.
  With these boles always be careful, and have them chequed.
  They may range from a simple talcum pimple to a dangerous growth of any kind.
  Licensed, practising and committed Reflexology therapist

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