Clayton Family wrote: 
>>a spiritual revolution that heralds a coming Golden Age of peace and 
>>properity ( albeit maybe still a few thousand years from now- we don't seem 
>>to evolve so quickly).<<
Of course all the signals are against the notes I am about to write here, but 
indeed we already are on the threshold of this Golden Age. Opinions differ, but 
generally it is thought that the New Age set in during the 60s, with the Flower 
Power revolution.
It is in our time (this already began some twenty years ago) that the “Indigo 
Children” are born. They are the true Light-Bearers-to-be, and it is our 
responsibility to rear them the right way. They are so wise, so free, that they 
just don’t fit in. Many of them fail in school, because the system does not 
serve them –and yes, there are schools, especially for these children-.
There are so many sensitive people with the ‘strangest gifts’ around and about 
us. They should be understood!
There are revelations everywhere, either by us (seen the da Vinci Code? – 
finally the truth about the great Saint Mary Magdalena is unveiled) or by 
nature itself. What else is the Global Warming, or AIDS, to mention two of 
MANY, than caused by our own ignorance?
Our planet is considered to lag behind, compared to other planets (mostly 
nearer to the center of our Galaxy), but we can recover. Only the goodwill, and 
incessant work of the leagues of Light-Bearers is needed.
There are many helping hands in our midst in these days, and: During the lowest 
of the darkness of humankind (-another topic to delve into-) the Avatar will 
return to earth. Three incarnations are necessary to get us back on the track. 
He does so much good work that He will have to return 6000 years from now.
I was provoked to reveal these thoughts at Respected Clayton Family’s message, 
By no means are we allowed to sit and wait for the Golden Age to come. It may 
get by us before we know, and the time to reach out and serve, and help and 
heal is NOW.
In Respect,
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