
>  "";
> Click here: free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker
> instructions

The link points to directions for a minimal CS maker. There are a 
couple of points I'd take exception with, though:

The author does not make it clear enough that special care should be 
taken with water purity.

Distilled water is essential in anything short of a life or death
situation. If you're preparing to rely on CS in a survival situation 
you should also prepare to store some distilled water.

Using tap water, or any other available water, will generate a 
reasonable concentration of *something* in "just a few minutes", but 
again, I wouldn't use it internally except in an absolute emergency. 

Using distilled water, it'll take a good bit longer, easily an hour
or more, *and* require occasional wiping off of the electrodes.

So, the directions are simple and the design is cheap. But it could 
use a little fleshing out and detail to make it safe for the 
uninitiated. JMHO.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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