Here is Dan Smith's posting on his test results that indicate his CS 
is increasing the amount of silver found in his feces.

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Date forwarded:   Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:30:26 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent:        Wed, 03 Jun 1998 15:48:30 -0700
From:             "Daniel F. Smith" <>
Copies to:        Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam
Subject:          Silver levels in Biospecton Test 
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I just got my results back from a 26 element screening of a feces
sample by Biospectron of Sweden.

(The normal price for the test is $165.00 US )

The silver level was 4.324 mg/kg or 4 ppm silver!!

This relates to a 'normal' of 0.021 mg/kg or 270 times the 'normal'

I have 18 Amalgam fillings, which makes my mercury levels 0.208 mg/kg
or about 9 times normal.  The silver from amalgams should be about
half the mercury level.

Tin levels are 2.3 times normal with 5.29 mg/kg which would also be
from amalgams normally.

I suspect the extremely high silver levels are mostly from the silver
colloidal that I have been making and taking at 2-3 teaspoons a day of
yellow colloid at about 50k ohms in a bottle cap.  I havn't had any
colds or flu since I started the silver.

I also have an unusual 2 times normal silicon reading that I am at a
loss to explain.

Does anyone have any ideas or input for me?


Daniel F. Smith

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