Then you post a reply to the silver list saying you are taking it to the off topic list, and they can join you there.

It is very easy, really. Mike seems to have given this a great deal of thought in making the lists the way he has, with an off topic list for those with the interest and the bandwidth. Not everyone has the machinery to handle the great number of posts that off topic discussions generate. I only have dial up, and if I don't check messages but once a day, it can take a very long time to download them all. If someone sends me photos- good grief, it can kill my system, and I have to manually kill my internet connection to stop the download. I monitor the send and recieve of the internet connection so I can tell if I am going to have a problem before it gets out of control. Most of the time, I can catch it in time.

On Jun 1, 2007, at 12:40 PM, Dee wrote:

What if the original poster posts on the regular silver list though? Surely if you replied to the off topic list, then they (the original poster) wouldn t receive it unless of course, they were on it to. Just a thought. Dee

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>