Hi There Ode - thanks for a good Sunday laugh - keep on keeping on
Warmest regards
Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 07:48:19 -0400
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold Question
Message-ID: <>
References: <83598.62614...@web60017.mail.yahoo.com> 

At 10:57 AM 6/15/2007 -0400, you wrote:

>Frank Key informed me in no uncertain terms that I am not a person of 
>science and that my understanding is bogus, and I don't know what I'm 
>talking about, blah, blah, blah.  Maybe that is not rude in your book,
>it is in mine.   I am a Customer for pete's sake.  The guy needs a
>attitude adjustment.  I have his email which I printed out and which I
>not intend to forward.   I am fully acquainted with his website.
>On the other hand, one of the people at Natural-immunogenics talked to
>for over an hour, answering my every question and discussing every
>of their lab and their product.  The spokesperson could not have been 
>nicer. That is a world of difference, my friend.  And if you want an 
>informative website, check out Natural-immugenoics.

   That's nice, but Nat Imm is deceptive,  warps the science and the use
language like no bodies bidness to make you believe you are seeing and 
getting things that don't exist. [Good product, profound distortions 
selling it ]
  If you want a DIS-informative website, check out Natural-immugenoics.

  If you think that's wonderful, Frank is correct...you DON'T know what
are talking about.

  That's not a "sin", so, so what?

But, was it "Frank" that said so?

If you called "Colloids for Life", you called a distributor, not the 
manufacturer.  So, did you talk to "Frank"...or someone else?
Ergo, do you know what you are talking about on ANY score?

It's highly possible that a "distributor" also doesn't know much and used

rudeness as a defense.  NOT uncommon.

Colloids For Life, LLC [????]
10343 N. Federal Blvd. Unit J#128
Westminster, CO 80260

Purest Colloids, Inc. [Frank]
600 Highland Drive, Suite 602
Westampton, NJ 08060

It's not likely that you can call Colorado and talk to a guy that lives
New Jersey.

I've never known Frank to be rude.  Maybe he isn't "nice".
   I wouldn't know, I'm not sensitive and appreciate *straight to the 
point* even if it makes me wrong.
  Being wrong isn't a sin, it's an opportunity.
    Some people are just "offendees" no matter what anyone says, if it 
isn't what they want to hear.
  I HAVE known the "other guy" to play manipulation games and look for 
recruits [ myself ]  to play them with him.

I'll go with not "nice" over a pleasant prevaricator any day.

I sit the fence on the *Ion vs Colloid* issue.
  I see no reason that both wouldn't work and neither hurts anything.
One might be better for some applications and the other better for other 

I have no way of telling whether or not Meso-silver is exactly what Frank

says it is as he's very secretive about his process, but it's obvious
the Natural Immunogenics silver ISN'T exactly what THAT guy says it is
uses processes that CAN'T do what he says they do and DON'T show what he 
says they show in order to prove it. [and he knows better.  He isn't
or ignorant, he's a salesman and salesmen are "nice" to every customers 
face.  It's a requirement for the job. ]
  Calling a cat a dog and proving it with pictures of flying elephants 
taken two oxidation states over, doesn't prove donkeys have claws by 
playing word games with detailed technicalities using mixed languages.

Natural Immunogenics silver is very good stuff, but it's not "special"
no number of barking sales cats will *make* it special.
Now go look at American Biotech ASAP silver.  Exact same stuff, different

meowing sales elephants wearing pigs ears...distortion and distraction 
taken to an ART of mislead to make a sale.

No, we didn't exactly "lie" we lead you down a language path of belief
you will follow all on your own in an effort to make the illogical make 
sense and the disconnected connect. [We know how people think, most
don't...and don't know that they don't. FACT ]
  You "bought" it, it works, we make some bucks...no harm done.  Right?
But had you known what you were REALLY looking at [vs what you were lead
believe you were seeing] , you could have done the same thing, or close 
enough to it to make zero difference, for a 10th -1000th the cost.

  Examples of barking sales cats:
" More doctors recommend this pill over all others combined " [ Any
that recommends combining all other pills should be shot]
"Would you [a man] take the same vitamin pills as a woman??"  [ Maybe, 
maybe not.... but I'm not getting a sex change to find out. ]

Dennis Lee bends a Sears and Roebuck torque wrench into a pretzel to
how much horsepower a steam engine has.  Ohhhh  Ahhh !!,  goes the 
impressionable audience eager to invest in a brand new "old hat", not 
knowing there is a big difference.


>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@alltel.net>
>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 6:08 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold Question
>>   The guy that "makes" Meso Silver [Frank Key ] isn't rude and has one

>> of the most valuable info sites about CS going.
>>Although the ionic silver solution made by Steven Quinto, sold by
>>Immunogenics is very good, it's not different from home made in any 
>>significant way.
>>  The TEM [Transmission Electron Microscope] images presented to show 
>> particle size are a mis-representation of the product and others
>> used to compare that product to, are easily manipulated to look bad in

>> the TEM sample preparation process.
>>  It doesn't show particles as they are in the water and Ions aren't 
>> particles except by a technicality being used to confuse the consumer.
>>   A TEM cannot image Silver Ions.
>>  At 97% ionic, it would not look like a dense field of specks on film,

>> it would be hard to actually find a particle at all.
>>At 03:05 PM 6/14/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>>>I ordered Meso Silver and it arrived in a plastic bottle.  Every CS
>>>ever seen has been in glass.  I contacted Colloids for life about it
>>>they told me how stupid I am, and that they are scientists and I am
>>>a scientist.  I told them that in that case  they should perhaps sell 
>>>only to other scientists.
>>>I returned the unopened  product and got my money back.
>>>I am more impressed with  Natural Immunogenics.  They have a beautiful

>>>lab in Florida.  And they are nice to talk to on the phone too.  Very 
>>>polite and helpful.  For a closer look: 
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@alltel.net>
>>>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>>>Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 5:35 AM
>>>Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold Question
>>>>At 08:39 AM 6/12/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>>What is the collective scoop on the products from
>>>>>rated?  I'm interested in finding out about both their gold and the
>>>>>as a friend of mine with Lyme Disease just ordered both.
>>>>>  They're selling Meso Silver/Gold,  Frank Keys baby.
>>>>No one knows what it is except mostly particulate..a true colloid.
>>>>Sposed to be good stuff.
>>>>>What about Water
>>>>>Oz products?
>>>>Was....Very high PPM Silver Citrate.
>>>>Might work just fine but be real careful about total amounts 
>>>>used.  There have been a few blue people who used too much.
>>>>>  Thanks for any info.
>>>>>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
>>>>>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>>>>>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>>>>Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>>>>>The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>>>>>List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
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