Dear Ruth,

 You said:

<<The surgeon I am working with says the same thing.  He very
much does not want to do the surgery except as a last resort .  I am not
sure I can convince him about using alternative things, though.  When I
mentioned Bentonite Clay, for instance, with regard to increasing fiber, (
withpsyllium), he said he didn't know anything about that.  >>

  **  You don't have to convince him of anything.  It is you who
would take it, not he.  You don't need his permission.  It's YOUR
body.  He has yet to fix it for you.

 As I've been following this thread I've had a number of thoughts.  I
wondered how much you walk each day, what you eat in a typical week,
and how much water you drink.

 You said:

<<He is going out
of his way with these twice weekly phone consultations.  I hesitate about
things like homozon, I not only hae to deal with my colon, but also with
this quite severe burning upper center ribcage burning which is almost
harder to put up with than the bowel problem.  All of the doctors I have
worked with since the surgery thing was arrived at after the transit time
test and the Bowel X-ray series have said that the surgery would not solve
all my problems, but would make the upper thing easier to manage.  I get
reall swamped with all the different suggestions for what to do
alternatively.  I am always concerned about what a change will do to me.
The chiropractor I go to told me that I am the only patient he has ever
treated that did not respong positively to using Bentonite Clay and
psyllium.  He has been in business in this area for many years.. >>

  **  I know others who did not respond to bentonite clay.  Usually,
it's people for whom the problem begins prior to the colon.

      LAPs and TAPs are  abbreviations for lactic acid-producing and
toxic agents- producing microbes in the bowel. LAPs preserve the
normal bowel ecosystem, TAPs disrupt it.  LAPs normalize bowel transit

   LAPS --  Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus

  TAPS -- Proteus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Escherichia,
Bacteroides, Clostridium, Peptococci, Peptostreptococcus,
Streptococcus, Staphylococcus

 LAPs play a pivotal role in digestion. Lactose intolerance is a very
common clinical problem. It is often not fully appreciated that a
major portion of lactose ingested in dairy products is actually broken
down to simpler sugars by lactase enzymes produced by lactic acid
producers. Lactic acid and lactase producers also play important roles
in protein digestion. This is one of the primary reasons protein
intolerance is so common among individuals with bowel dysfunction.

     Repopulation of the gut with microflora that have been destroyed
by indiscriminate use of antibiotics or crowded out by the
unrestrained proliferation of yeast and bacterial organisms helps the
bowels to work properly again. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus
(probiotics) are crucial to this effort as are B vitamins, especially
B12, biotin, and pantetheine (a more potent form of pantothenic acid).

   Are your hands often cold? This symptom gives some clues as to
where to look for the bowel problems.  Cold hands and slow bowel
transit time is caused by one of the following -- oxidatively-damaged
thyroid enzymes (underactive thyroid gland), oxidatively-damaged
autonomic nerve cells and fibers (dysautonomia) or an
oxidatively-overdriven adrenalin gland.

   Another thing to consider is that chronic anger, hostility,
conflict, and a sense of being a victim — both slow down the bowel
transit time and significantly reduce perfusion in different parts of
the alimentary tract. These emotions adversely affect the adrenalin
gland.  This may or may not be factor for you.

  You may or may not find some of this helpful.   I just thought I'd
throw it out here.


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