Thanks Wayne.  One of my dogs used to always eat the new aubretia plants
every spring, and she was the longest lived of my dogs even though the rest
of her food was junk. Dee  


<The calender of the Theocracy of Muntab counts down, not up. No-one knows
why, but it might not be a good idea to hang around and find out.> 

-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters) 



-------Original Message------- 


From: CWFugitt 

Date: 25/06/2007 17:40:28 


Subject: CS>The Poor Colon, Dogs, Dog Herb 


Morning Dee, 


>> At 05:34 AM 6/25/2007, you wrote: 

>What is HCL please? 


Hydrochloric Acid. I should have spelled it out at least once. 


I understand dogs make it 6 times as strong as humans. I have seen my dog 

Lay around chewing on a dead rat that smelled very bad, ........ While the 

Bowl was full of dog food. 


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