Hi, Faith, Thanks for your backing up my banana consumption! I am drinking 10-12 14 oz. of water daily by the order of the surgeon who wants to help me manage my colon in such a way that sugury will not be necessary. He calls it a terrible surgery, even though he most likely is very good at it since he works from a gastroenterology clinic that deals only with colon and rectal surgery. Trouble many of his proposed interventions work against what I feel is good for my colon, principally, taking Citrucel. I will see what I can work out about not cooking my food twice. Actually, the second time is just heating and even the first cooking is done at low temps, but longer. I am hoping you will be able to work out a way to send me the bananas post that my computer can accept. I should check with my oldest son. He used to try to send attachments like you did . Now his posts come right with his regular posts. Should ask him how he does that. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Faith Saint Francis <fesanfranci...@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: CS>Going Bananas
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 17:25:53 -0500

Hi Forum!
I read both Ruth Strackbein’s and Wayne’s posts with interest, and as always my concern is greatest at the fact that most people are (still) not conscious of the need to feed on living (green vegetable) food, and NOT on canned, processed, old, stale stuff. As strong as this, is the advice NOT TO COOK FOOD TWICE. Cook as much as you and your family eat, don’t overdo (ingesting two thirds of your plate is a good yard stick) and don’t ever re-cook.

For respected Ruth’s

>> Do eat bananas and cantalope. I know bananas are supposed to be constipating<<

I am continually craving for bananas, which started when I Scuba-dived: In terms of alimentation for divers bananas are # 1.

Constipation? I risk to believe, and utter that it is personal.
It might be of help if you take in enough liquid (water?) during the day: 8 glasses - say 4 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon is a good measurement.

I once received an article about bananas and the nutritional riches they render; probably got it from this same Forum long ago.

I tried to cut it down to the acceptable amount of KB’s for sending, but I still have fingers of lead for computing, and it keeps saying ‘26 KB’ even cutting into 7 pieces, and I would not want to let that spoil my mood or make me going bananas (as it already does…)

So anyone interested in the article which I titled ‘going bananas’, please write to: luzy...@une.net.co
and I’ll send you the article.
Really worth reading!


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