In a message dated 7/9/2007 6:04:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Are you also using CS orally?

I used enough black CS to get blue moons on my fingernails. My sinus flushes 
with CS was using my well water to make the black CS, not DW. I presently am 
doing 3 sinus flushes per day using salted water. If I forget my nose will be 
plugged. I just read that even rife treatments for fungus take 90 days of 
treatment. I have not used my GB-4000 to treat fungus for 90 days, just several 
treatments pert month. 
Are you getting reinfected
 I am sure that I am getting reinfected. My trees are loaded with fungus and 
mold, when I go to Yuma, it is known to be 10 times worse for fungus than here 
and it really gets to me. They say the fungus is in the desert grounds and 
new construction releases it for the wind to spread it.
The salt rinse controls it but needs to be done several times per day
Many of us with mold issues can't use vinegar- too close to a mold.
I  have also been using ACV un-pasturized. Could be a problem. May need to 
switch to lemon juice.

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