Hi, Rowena,

I don't understand taking Lugol's with raw ACV, wouldn't the iodine kill 
everything in the ACV?  I can see taking the ACV and honey afterwards, but not 
with it.  Both Dr. Jarvis & altcancer.com mention using Lugol's with ACV but 
when I re-read their instructions it also says "apple or grape juice" as shown 
below in the middle of the last paragraph.   

Take care,



Dosage: One drop if body weight is 150 lbs. (68 kg.) or less; two drops for 
body weight of more than 150 lbs.

Directions: Take the suggested "Dosage" above two times per week - temporally 
equidistant (i.e. such as Wednesday and Saturday). In times of bacterial or 
viral infection, take Dosage three times per week (i.e Monday, Wednesday, 
Friday). Take Lugol's on an empty stomach about 20 minutes before eating in an 
8 oz. (236 ml.) glass of distilled or purified water with one teaspoonful of 
apple cider vinegar added for slight acidification. Also see: 
www.herbhealers.com/lugols.htm The contents are stirred with a spoon and sipped 
through the course of the meal, as one would drink a cup of coffee or tea.


Supplement Facts: Serving size: one (1) drop. Servings per container: 3,120. 
Ingredients: Distilled water, potassium iodine, iodine crystal. 
Warning: All iodine products can be toxic, or even deadly, if taken in 
excessive amounts. Follow the directions precisely and keep out of reach of 


Precautions: Lugol's, like bio-oxidative preparations, is oxidative. You should 
avoid taking anti-oxidant supplements (Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, glutithione, 
etc.) for the duration of your "higher-than-normal" usage of Lugol's. You 
should also follow high usage of iodine products with Microflora Restoration - 
or similar products to replenish vital intestinal flora.


Dr. Jarvis was particularly keen on the power of Lugol's iodine, for treating 
various illnesses, including colds and flu, and for countering the effects of 
stress: "Supposing you do follow the suggestions outlined above (note:  not 
what I have above) and find that some weeks the pressures of your private and 
your business life are causing you to lose the ability to bounce back. Then you 
should add a drop of Lugol's solution of iodine to your glass of apple or grape 
juice at breakfast, or you may take it in the mixture of apple cider vinegar 
and water. The point is that the potassium in the solution (Lugol's is 5% 
potassium iodine) blocks off the body mechanism that organizes for aggressive 
action, releasing its hold on the body when opportunity for rest and relaxation 
arises. The iodine swings into action the body and the building up and storing 
of body reserves. When working under pressure, include the Lugol's solution 
dose each day until the period of pressure passes. If it should happen that 
your body becomes saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an 
increase of moisture in the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until the 
nose is normal."