Hi Folks,

Mike is right;  there is no evidence that the Rosemary flap shut down the other 
silver list.   It is more supposition than reality. 

The coincidence was striking though...

James Osbourne, Holmes


-----Original Message-----
From:   M. G. Devour [SMTP:mdev...@mail.id.net]
Sent:   Wednesday, July 07, 1999 7:07 AM
To:     silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject:        CS>The other silver list...

> James Osbourne, Holmes <a...@trail.com> wrote:
> >Rosmary's presence on the other silver list caused such an uproar that one 
> >lister finally called her a "Blue Bitch".  It was hilarious, but the list 
> >owner freaked and shut it down.

Chuck wrote: 
>  other silver list? What's that?

Some months back we received an infusion (transfusion?) of folks from 
the demise of the csilver list that was run by a faculty member at 
Jamestown College by the name of Katherine Stevenson.

I contacted her at that time and the reason she gave for shutting
down the list was just the high volume and amount of effort required
to maintain the list. Given my experience with *this* list I can 
understand perfectly. 

She had no way on her system to control or sort the flow of incoming
mail she had to deal with, so it became too difficult for her to use
e-mail for her own work. The combined flood of list messages, bounce
messages from blocked mail addresses, administrative messages, and
other list related traffic would be like being on the silver list --
at least four times over! So you can imagine the additional workload
that represented.

The only reason I can handle things as well as I can is the load is 
separated into several streams. The list I read from here while 
administrative stuff goes to my eskimo account which I only check a 
few times a week. I am able to automatically sort my incoming mail 
into separate folders by header strings, so everything is quite 
orderly. Without those skills and tools I'd be swamped too.

In answer to my direct questions Katherine specifically said *nobody* 
influenced her decision to shut down the list, nor was it related to 
the nature of the discussions taking place on the list at that time. 

To the extent that I can judge, I'd accept her at her word. I'm
explaining this again in hopes of slowing the growth of mythology 
around the situation.

The infusion of new people from the csilver list has changed the
character of the silver list in a number of ways. But we have
evolved a new balance that continues to make the list a worthy
endeavor for all who choose to be here. Thank you all.

Be well,

Mike D.
silver list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>