Good Morning,

>> At 12:21 AM 8/10/2007, you wrote:

Brooks, I very much appreciate your sensitive view of differing viewpoints on a dog's diet. My dog and most I have known will eat raw grass and other raw plants of their choosing whenever they feel like it. It may well be a natural form of medicine for them, who knows?

My dog has been eating one specific plant ( looks like a weed ) for many years.

She does not eat just one leaf, but eats them all from top to bottom. I see her doing it many times. No doubt she does it when I am not there to see it.

No one has been able to identify it for me. I sent a picture to Texas A and M, and still no identify.

 I have a picture of it on my web site.

and another one.........

These are the same. One is larger. The second one will be faster loading on a dialup.

I have many plants on my place. A live creek runs thru the property and some of my land was a swamp / marsh many years ago.

It still is, when there is enough rain.

Many wild herbs grown including one plant that indicates atomic radiation. I understand it is the only one that does this easily, other than the fact that enough will kill all of them I suppose.
This one does it by the color of the bloom.

St. Johns Wart is everywhere.

I can't identify many of the plants. But, my dog singles out this one to eat. Until this continued for a few years, it did not get my attention.

Someplace should analyze the leaves, if I wanted to spend the money. I have some inside connections at state colleges including the huge nutrition research department at LSU.

Maybe I need to use my resources.

Some of you may be able to identify the dog herb for me.


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