Hi Wayne,

I hesitated to respond, due to not knowing the actual name of the plant, but after reading the last of your post, where you mention that your land used to be a swamp, I decided to give it a try.

We have many of those in our 'wet areas' and find them alongside streambeds too. We used to call them willow switch bushes. The horses would eat the tops and leaves, as well as some of the stem. I don't know what 'self medication' they provide, but imagine they are instinctively
used, probably for tummy issues.

"Unanswered questions are not as dangerous as Unquestioned answers."

My dog has been eating one specific plant ( looks like a weed ) for many years.

She does not eat just one leaf, but eats them all from top to bottom. I see her doing it many times. No doubt she does it when I am not there to see it.

No one has been able to identify it for me. I sent a picture to Texas A and M, and still no identify.

 I have a picture of it on my web site.

and another one.........

These are the same. One is larger. The second one will be faster loading on a dialup.

I have many plants on my place. A live creek runs thru the property and some of my land was a swamp / marsh many years ago.

It still is, when there is enough rain.

Many wild herbs grown including one plant that indicates atomic radiation. I understand it is the only one that does this easily, other than the fact that enough will kill all of them I suppose.
This one does it by the color of the bloom.

St. Johns Wart is everywhere.

I can't identify many of the plants. But, my dog singles out this one to eat. Until this continued for a few years, it did not get my attention.

Someplace should analyze the leaves, if I wanted to spend the money. I have some inside connections at state colleges including the huge nutrition research department at LSU.

Maybe I need to use my resources.

Some of you may be able to identify the dog herb for me.


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