Sure thing,
crystal clear explanation, finally outright honest
I believe we ought to help the victim(s) also, for:
They incline to 'put away' their traumatic experience, not wanting to think of 
it in any way which is logic,
Victims can also rid themselves of the experience by every time when the awful 
memory comes up
think it over attentively, from beginning to end.
These memories may last a while, how long depends on the person - depends on 
the occurance;
yet, there will come a time when the victim realizes 'hey .. I haven't thought 
about IT for quite a while'.
That is the moment when you have freed yourself of IT. 
Then it won't haunt you anymore, not in night-mares, not in deja-vues, not in 
Thought to be of help
> Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 16:15:53 -0500> From:> To: 
>> Subject: Re: CS>Argentyn 23 & EIS> > "Clarity" ...The 
> second enemy of the 'man of knowledge.'> > (Juan Matus)> > > > Ode Coyote 
> wrote:> > You certainly remember it "clearly"....But do you remember it > > 
> "accurately"?> > Memory is by no means reliable, it is edited all the time 
> and the new > > versions of events are just as clear and detailed to the 
> person as the old.> > > > The other night on "Mind Control with Derren 
> Brown", a fellow wrote down > > what he wanted for his birthday.> > He wanted 
> a red BMX bike and Derren had it in a big gift box sitting > > right there, 
> except..that fellow had written "Leather Jacket" a few days > > earlier and 
> sealed the note in an envelope in his wallet.> > He could not believe he had 
> not written BMX Bike, but there it was in > > his own handwriting "Leather 
> Jacket"> > Derren explained and showed how he did it.> > Pretty amazing 
> stuff.> > > > Bottom line: If the police in any way suggest that someone did 
> > > something, say, make a suspect in a line up stand out in any way or a > > 
> photo look like someone you saw as you entered the room..but didn't even > > 
> consciously notice, it's very likely the victims memory will be altered > > 
> AND remain crystal clear.> > > > If you didn't get a really clear look at the 
> abductor or were distracted > > while being in the middle of the attempt, the 
> very next person you did > > see clearly that looked anything like the clues 
> you had may have > > replaced the image of the actual abductor ....and you 
> will not know that > > it happened...especially if that person was not 
> involved in any way and > > you didn't notice just glancing at him.> > > > 
> The fact that you don't believe that's possible, makes it even more > > 
> probable.> > > > Try this: Write down every detail of an important preferably 
> traumatic > > and very personal event, what you saw and felt about it as it 
> is > > happening or very soon after.> > Put it away for 2 years and go back 
> and read it.> > I did that while losing my ex to alcoholism. [She died]> > I 
> could not believe I had written what I did.> > I no longer take my feelings 
> and memories very seriously, ESPECIALLY the > > "important" ones.> > > > 
> Now..."I believe I saw" gets more credit as a truthful statement than "I > > 
> know I saw".> > Whenever I encounter certainty, I am reminded to 
> doubt...especially my > > own certainties.> > > > It's better to be 
> rightfully wrong than wrongfully right.> > > > ode> > > > At 11:39 AM 
> 8/17/2007 +0100, you wrote:> > > >> How can you *not* know the man who raped 
> you? The mind boggles! I can> >> remember the face of the man who tried to 
> abduct me as a six year old, to> >> this day. Dee> >>> >>> >>> >> 
> -------Original Message-------> >>> >>> >>> >> From: Jonathan B. Britten> >>> 
> >> Date: 08/17/07 10:05:34> >>> >> To:> >>> >> 
> Subject: Re: CS>Argentyn 23 & EIS> >>> >>> >>> >> Very good point. Many 
> death-row inmates put away on "rock solid"> >>> >> Eyewitness testimony have 
> been proven innocent and released. I read a> >>> >> Simply brilliantly awful, 
> long mea-culpa by a woman who sent "her> >>> >> Rapist" to prison for more 
> than a decade. She was 100% certain of the> >>> >> Identification. She got 
> the wrong man, and lives with the knowledge.> >>> >>> > > --> The Silver List 
> is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.> > Instructions for 
> unsubscribing are posted at:> > To post, address your 
> message to:> > Address Off-Topic messages to: 
>> > The Silver List and Off Topic List 
> archives are currently down...> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> <>> > 
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