>I have been using HVAC   ,,, 15,000volts...
>my previous  batches have been completely colorless and clear.
>the last one i made while  came out a cloudy and
>hazy silvery gray (slightly bluish grey smoke)
> My guess is:        1)  Dillons brand distilled water
>                                    2)the socket was not properly grounded.
>i noticed an extremely small amount of floating flake....(about 8 pieces)
 the effects of shining a  laser:
cylinder of light the size of a 1st grader's oversized pencil   with a
pattern of tiny spots reminscent of a living skin... like the texture of a
plant magnified.
>[my previous batches had an extremely small beam.... only 20% as large as
the latest batch]


thanks,  jd!

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