Read the FREE part before you condemn.
It's worthwhile!
Besides, if you really need it ALL to be FREE , drop him an email and
he'll send you part 2 FREE.

This is right up there with CS in importance.

When the foolkiller comes around, we'd better all hide in the high

On 8/26/2007 4:30:54 PM, faith gagne ( wrote:
> I looked at this site out of curiosity..... http://www.miraclemineral.
> org/
> The author goes on abut how FREE it is and how important it is that we
> pass
> it on to the rest of the world, FREE.   That is just wonderful.    But
> the
> book comes in 2 parts and there is a charge for the 2nd part.    That is
> free.
> If someone wants to charge for something, that is one thing, but don't go on
> about how free it is.
> Faith E.  (as opposed to someone  named Faith

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