Yep, Ode. 
It's amazing. We have to pay tribute to the TAO of it all. 
Like the Chinese didn't know that was going to play out? 
They have been way ahead of the game for centuries. 
They always will be. They understand the laws and the principles 
by which the Universe works, right down to politics and corruption. 
You can't fool them or play them for fools. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Ode Coyote 
At 07:13 AM 8/29/2007 -0400, you wrote: 
When we were kids Momma used to say, "Eat up, think about all those 
starving kids in China" 
We would say, "Send this crap to China, then" 
Now the Chinese are sending our kids lead toys and not starving. 
Payback time? 
Retribution for all those moldy meals? 
What about the lead to mold trade deficit, anyhow? 
I think we're not paying enough for lead. 
Maybe we should open up a mold mine in New Orleans and get the Government 
to jack up the import tariffs. 
They could certainly mis-use the difference. 
..even better than we can. 
And catch the Hell we don't want when they do. 
Shoot, we might even run the "Fed" out of the ecomomy reskewing business 
and go back on the mold standred. 
I hear that American mold is doing well against the Chinese slug. 
Things sure have changed. 
When we were kids, we were made to eat food only fit for starving Chinese 
kids and all we had to play with were old paint flakes. 
Now, they send US food only fit for starving Chinese kids and brand NEW 
paint flakes to play with. 

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