Hello, Chuck,

You wrote:

Cayenne is relegated to spicy for me.

Now, them there "Scotch bonnets" still have to be respected...
But I'll slice them onto a tomato sandwich.

Hey, Chuck,

Have you tried Red Savina Habaneros? They can reach 300,000 Scoville Units.

What about little Tepin hot peepers? They broke the Scoville scale. It exploded.

They grow wild in the south of USA and the north of Mexico. You can pick them for free there. (Be careful what you do with your hands afterwards, though, specially if you had a few beers and you feel you should visit the man's room).

Actually, they are very small, around the size of a pea.

Chew on a few of them and, if you survive, I will invite you to a lunch of fresh raw fish "A La Tepin¨here at my home in Margarita island.

If you don't, I will send your relatives flowers ...(whole tepin plants with flowers and their beautyful tiny little red balls that are the end products. They look like a small Chistmas tree. We are still in time).

Good luck


From: cking...@nycap.rr.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Hot vs Spicy
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 22:21:19 -0400

They're relative.

Gave a single drop  of "Daves Insanity Sauce" on a cracker to a friend
who thought he liked "hot".
He cried.
and sweated.

My first bottle lasted 10 years as I was getting used to it.

Now I buy a hotter version by the 6 pack.

Cayenne is relegated to spicy for me.

Now, them there "Scotch bonnets" still have to be respected...
But I'll slice them onto a tomato sandwich.

If you're merely mincing words, cayenne IS a spice, and therefore

I planted some bird seed.
 A bird grew.
 Now I don't know what to feed it.

On 9/4/2007 9:56:26 PM, Dan Nave (na...@comcast.net) wrote:
> OK you guys.
> You are pushing the button of one of my pet peeves. ;-))
> Cayenne is not "spicy," it is "hot."
> Indians make a distinction between something being "spicy"
> and how "hot" it is.  And I certainly agree with them.
> Dan
> Re: CS>CS & Lupus
> cking...@nycap.rr.com wrote:
> >
> I've been able to take 9000 HU cayenne in a smoothie (heaping
> > teaspoon) and just notice that it's
> "spicy".
> >
> > The rest of the smoothy was raw liver, raw milk, lecithin, raw eggs

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