Dear Faith,
You have, already, received a number of useful comments. I will take a moment to expand on one area of address. We have discovered over the immediately past 15 years, that a majority of sudden-onset cramping (especially in the extremities) demonstrates for a magnesium deficiency component......even in those cases presenting dehydration and/or calcium deficiency. Our experimental researches with high-impact athletes has confirmed, that proper magnesium in the lean muscle tissue beds.....results in the vast majority of leg cramps (even professional athletes are subject to this quite frequently) being mitigated against. Such presentations of cramping are, quite often, direct companions of any form of exercise resulting in pronounced loss of fluid electrolytes. FYI, calcium is, as a general matter GREATLY overemphasized as being too low. We have found that it is MAGNESIUM which is the "BELL-WEATHER" sheep. As a general rule, ingesting adequate quantities of balanc! ed fluid electrolytes....such as Gatorade, before and/or during any activity pronounced enough to generate sweating----aids in preventing a majority of such painful presentations.
Interestingly, a majority (80%) of our experimental volunteers who are on adequate Marine Kelp not manifest cramping of this type.....even in the face of limited magnesium supplementation.
One supplementation protocol displaying excellent results (especially
among adults 50+ years, is 1000 mg daily for males and 750 mg for females.....body mass considerations notwithstanding. At least that has been our experience. Magnesium is a very forgiving substance....and woefully undervalued in the allopath-dominated health arena.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to remind the list members that our experience confirms that.... magnesium is the SINGLE MOST important protocol element yet discovered, for the control/prevention of kidney stones.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>Severe muscle cramps

Date : Thu, 6 Sep 2007 09:03:00 -0400

From : "faith gagne" <>

To : <>

Does CS help muscle cramps?

I am having severe muscle cramping of the legs and feet at night. These cramps are more like seizures and they wrench me out of a sound sleep 2 or 3 times a night. This is really cutting down on my sleep.

My hands are also cramping badly during the day, though not as often as my legs and feet. My feet and hands can sometimes feel heavy and numb.

My doctor does not know what is wrong and he has scheduled me to see a neurologist on October 1.

Will CS help this problem?

Thank you.


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