Just a paltry .02 here about the DMSO.  It seems to help so many people
with various things.  However, it is poison to me.  I had DMSO bladder
instillations for they thought was interstitial cystitis which is an awful
thing.  It was very painful(I hear they use anesthetics now)  however,
after the fourth week and probably before that I started to write funny
then forget things, then have siezures, all sorts of neurological stuff. 

 Well the HMO that was my carrier at the time refused treatment--they had
authorized treatment and now wouldn't help these peculiar results.  I ended
up at home with nurses around the clock for 6 weeks, most of them I knew
personally and they saw to it that I had proper care.  I didn't know who I
was, what had happened and could just stare at things, although my mind
sort of thought things, I couldn't express or speak properly.

This is a horror story as so many of mine seem to be.  Thank God I have a
strong something that keeps on ticking.  When I was able to have blood
drawn and so forth --after the siezures stopped, it was found that all the
parameters of my bood were low.  And the MCV and MCH were very high and I
had no mature red blood cells, nor any cell that was the proper shape.

OVer the next month after the 6 weeks I slowly started to get my
intelligence back and was able to go back to work part time and then full

Now, no one knows what happened.  It seems that I was poisoned by it, my
bone marrow was depressed and my CNS was also altered.  It was very scary,
and I am so fortunate that my friends were able to take care of me.  An
example of HMO's not cleaning up after themselves.  

This probably won't happen to another human being.  I also have trouble
with MSM which I would dearly love to take and other similar things.  I am
very sensitive to drugs --all of them .  Mostly I have paradoxical
reactions.  This is one person's nightmare with DMSO.  There may have been
factors present that caused this to happen, but I guess I'll never know.
THis is sort of the worst case scenario of what could happen, but probably
won't ever.

At 03:04 AM 7/10/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 99-07-09 20:54:37 EDT, you write:
>> He had two friends die from it when it carried to the liver and they went 
>>  into liver failure.
>So the DMSO must have transported something that was toxic to the liver?  
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