Regarding chemotherapy: a recent issue of Harper's Magazine had an utterly horrifying essay by a chemo nurse. I recommend it to everyone.

Chemo world:
Surviving the cancer unit by Sally Tisdale.

Tisdale is fine essayist, whose work I have admired for more than ten years, yet she seems incapable of seeing that the work she does as an oncology nurse, as she herself describes it, is insane. When you read about the handling of the toxins put into the bodies of dying patients you simply won't believe it.

Sorry there is no online version yet, only PDF downloads restricted to password holders. Maybe soon someone will put it up . . . .


On Sunday, Sep 9, 2007, at 22:26 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

Hail Gail  :)

From my experience regarding the doctors I've met up with over the years in dealing with any health crisis whether for myself or my family........the large majority of doctors either do not look past their sacred medical journals or are so enshrined in their positions of patient superiority that they are psychotically  incapable and psychologically impaired from offering hope or any sense of self empowerment to their patients.

RE the Vitamin C - I ignored the majority of their recommendations I felt went against my intuition, what my body was telling me and in some cases what alternative medicine found diametrically opposed to good health.  My own conclusions were that lifestyle  lived as usual is contradictory to the illness that was brought forth from the physical manifestation of the disease. When one gets sick........its time to listen closely too and hone that God given intuition called the inner physician.

Visualization is and has been recently shown to be critical in dealing with Cancer or any other illness for that matter.  The individual owns the Cancer, to state the obvious, their bodies are replicating  renegade cells.    I  realized how ignorant and afraid I was of Cancer.I knew  only that it was considered  to be fatal and often beyond ones personal control. With great certainty I say...not so.  One of the first books that gave me clarity and greater understanding of the extent of ones "personal" power was an extremely inspiring book by Bernie Segal, Love, Medicine and Miracles.

If I was cantankerous and distrustful of and  in dealing with Doctors before I became sick, I became a doctors worse nightmare when I was done with the book. To the extent that the NIH booted me out of their study after 11 months of flying back and forth 2x a month.  For not being complacent, compliant and submissive to their guinea pig  protocol which I quickly realized was not entirely for my benefit as an individual.  I was also according to them "upsetting" other patients by inquiring as to what or whether they knew what kind of drugs they were taking. 9 out of 10 didn't.  They just sat there in a dazed state with their IV's as if they were already dead. That state of mind, imho is scarier than the is in and of itself, an individual illness.

The medical records I left with were rife with notes from the charge nurses suggesting I be given psychiatric help.  They claimed I was over anxious, too curious regarding treatment drugs and distrustful of caretakers and doctors. Never once during my years stint with them did they, whether written or oral give constructive advice/consultation about alternative nutritional supplementation or life style factors that would affect the outcome towards a more positive prognosis. If  I mentioned  Macrobiotic diet, Vitamin C,  plant /herbals I was utilizing they just gave an insignificant poo poo shrug of dismissal.

 Most, if not all Cancer treatment protocols in this country originate from the NIH (National Institutes of Health).  Same with AIDS, HIV and numerous diseases.

Chemo causes havoc and chaos within the body and by its very nature, brutal and insulting.  It robs the body of critical nutrients and significantly weakens the immune system  to the extent that reoccurances are so common.  All I can say about the medical systems mentality is that Cancer is BIG business in this country. It is a very potent,  viable   contributor to the medical communities and drug companies economic longevity. Chemo is as widely distributed as Aspartame, Fluoride and mercury laden  vaccinations and as we know, ignorance is bliss so long as there is not public outcry and condemnation.

 The day will come when Chemo will  be a thing of the archaic past  and  energy   based medicine wisely combined with the healing of the mind and spirit will eventually become  the medicine of the future. Western science is so undeveloped and backward in certain areas that they are  just now making a connection that ancient cultures knew of for eons.  For the time being, doctors of Allopathic persuasion  will continue to  refuse to take a back seat to the driver.....which is essentially, the patient.

Gail Naranjo <> wrote:

But about vitamin C, they (doctors) made her stop
taking any antioxidants as they said it interfered
with the chemo while she was having chemo. I told her
about you and how you never did reach bowel tolerance.
She said (something I didn't know) that chemo will
constipate one so it would be difficult to reach bowel

Glad your still kicking, lady. And what a lovely lick
you have!


Regards, Carol Ann ~
and the bush was consumed.........Exodus 3:2
Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.


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