So please  what  amounts of Lugol's can you sell  and pricing please.   The only thing I saw on your website was for 1/4 & 1/2 oz?



Zoe, That is all true what you wrote, How ever I have a license to sell products including Lugols at 5% full strength. Shipping on large amounts is costly because it is a Hazmat concern about breakage and staining orher shipping in same load. 


zoe w <> wrote:

Not any more as of August 1, 2007 it is illegal to sell Lugols (full strength) in anything over 1 oz bottles.

The www.jcrows site is now offering a 16 oz bottle of half strength Lugols so you have to take twice as much to do the same job. Just more government interference with our natural remedies that work. This time they claim the substance is being used by Meth Labs. Only way to get larger amounts now is be prescription and then they have to collect tons of personal information before you can purchase it.


Check out they have a forum on iodine supplementation and lots of sources for Lugols and Iodoral tablets (easier to take in pill form). You should be able to find a 500ml bottle for $25-30 or even less.


-- Jodi wrote:

Shirley Reed wrote: 

Both tropical fish stores and exotic bird stores usually carry Lugol's in one oz. bottles. I have seen such advertised on the 'net though I do not recall any brand names. pj 

Thank you for that Shirley. It's very good to know. Especially since I have fish. [grin] 


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