Dear Silver List members!

I'd like to remind you all of the list rules that can be found at ... Please go to the web site and read them, 
particularly the section on prohibited topics.  

I just finished sending messages to some newer members, coaching them 
on the restriction on religious comments.

We're here to share alternative health information, with emphasis on 
CS, and give help to people who ask for it. This isn't a platform for 

Generally speaking, if the sole or main message of your posting is 
religious or spiritual, it is not appropriate in the context of what 
we're doing.

Religion, like politics, makes for instant, terrible arguments that 
disrupt any useful work being accomplished.

Now, I don't demand you completely conceal your beliefs and 
orientation, only that any expressions of faith be in passing, or 
incidental to your main contribution, whatever it might be.

A brief prayer request or offering, blessing, expression of gratitude, 
etc., as a small component of other information or discussion is 
acceptable, within reason. So is tacking a bible quote or similar item 
onto the end of your posts as part of your signature. "Within reason" 
being defined by my entirely subjective standards, of course! <grin>

My aim is not to prohibit people from being who they are or expressing 
their natures, but rather to make sure we can work together toward the 
main mission of the group without constant and unnecessary conflict.

The restraint I ask in this is matched by the tolerance I demand in 
return, from everyone, so that you won't be met with hostility for 
being who you are.

As to the rest of you, please allow my coaching efforts time to work 
before flooding the list with your own complaints and counter-
arguments. (Dan? <evil grin>) Remember, *I* am the list cop!

A private note to *me* is welcome if you feel the need. My address, and 
the web address of the rules, are in the footer at the bottom of every 
message from the Silver List.

Thank you, everyone, for your attention.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>