"We're not in Kansas any more, Toto!" 

It's a line from the Wizard of Oz, delivered by Dorothy when she 
realizes the twister has deposited her... somewhere else.

Rather a good case of understatement in its original context, and here 
used to suggest that things are not as you're accustomed to believing 
they are.

I don't know if the line is in the original book, or only the movie.

In any case, folks, please don't invest *too* much energy in the 
chemtrail topic, since it's bound to arouse the skeptics of the idea 
and devolve into a rather pointless, "Is not!" "Is too!" debate. <grin>

There's lots of info, pro and con, as near as Google.

Be well,

Mike D.

> No, not really. I was really wondering when he said Kansas what he
> meant. Since it is in the farmland area, figured that might have
> something to do with it. Well, nothing around here so don't understand
> all the spraying here, but have seen it lots. Leslie
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Sandy Files 
>   Subject: Re: CS>chemtrails
>   That was meant as a sarcasm, I believe.....  
>   Sandy
>   ----- Original Message ----
>   From: Leslie <leslie1...@windstream.net>
>   Subject: Re: CS>chemtrails
>   Not in Kansas anymore?? Is that where they sprayed soooo much? I
>   didn't think they concentrated on only one area. They do here too in
>   Tx. 
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: Kurt Milkowski 
>     Subject: Re: CS>chemtrails
>     The purpose is to wreck your immune system and kill you. We are not
>     in Kansas anymore folks. Time to wake up ok?
>     Kurt
>     zeb caffe <jamaki...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>       So what is the purpose for chemtrails? 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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