The anthrax came in the form of a white powder in the folds of a letter 
postmarked and stamped in Nigeria. 

Dan Nave <> wrote:
      How were you exposed?

  From: Michael Zangari [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Forced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu vaccines?

  I had several high density negative ion generators going in my apartment for 
seve years prior to the arival of the anthrax. I used negative ions for 
clarity, killing bacteria, and brightness.
  It was a studio condo. Very small with a very dense concentration of negative 
ions. I think that did the trick. I still developed a congestive heart failure. 
The thing that eventually saved my life was selegiline and good medication 

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

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