Glad to have you back!
I well know the power of Niacin, the first time I used it I took a 500 mg tablet and waited about a half an hour for the flush,it didn't come so I took another one. I turned bright red all over( not like a swim suit) and the slightest movement made me feel like I was rolling in fiberglass insulation. My heart rate came up until it seemed close to that of a jackhammer. That lasted for 12 hours,so that is why I always say to start small and work up. Now I take 3 grams and get a mild flush which is my goal. The niacin has rid me of all spider veins and turned my numb right foot back to normal for a 20 year old. I'm 72. Sounds to me like Hubbard may be full of it!

Nenah Sylver wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave" <>

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:17 AM

Subject: Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

...I never felt right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself with the help of the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. Chronic Fatigue, Pain and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as brain fog) and I'm sure they would have called it one of those if given the chance. It even went so far that they wanted to remove the cartilage from my affected joints. After whipping the Lyme I cured the arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, Condroitin along with 6 grams a day of vitamin C and equal amount of L-Lysine and 6 grams of Niacin to help the circulation of these things to the joints. If you want to try this start very small on the niacin as the flush can be severe until you build up a resistance.



Hi Dave.

Glad to hear that you finally healed yourself. What a story!

You mentioned building up a resistance to niacin so after a while you don't flush from it. You may not know that although this is a common perception of many, there are other factors involved. I thought I'd share with you a tidbit about niacin from my book on sauna therapy,

======beginning excerpt======

Niacin (also called nicotinic acid or Vitamin B-3) is known as the "flushing" vitamin because it causes the skin to redden or become flushed due to capillary enlargement and increased blood flow. It also makes the skin feel itchy and prickly. If people take high enough doses of B-3, they sometimes also feel nauseated, dizzy, disoriented, and even mentally unstable and volatile. For these reasons, niacinamide -- a close relative chemically to niacin that does not cause skin flush or other symptoms -- has become a popular substitute. However, it turns out that this "flushing" property unique to niacin is not only crucial to the detoxification process, but indicates that a detoxification process is actually occurring.

Hubbard's research on niacin, begun in 1950, explains how this detox process works. In Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification Program, he wrote:

Odd manifestations occurred when this vitamin [niacin] was administered to individuals. Its most startling effect was that it would turn on, in a red flush, a sunburn on the person's body in an exact pattern of a bathing suit! These were very neat patterns. The bathing suit outline was unmistakable. What kind of "educated vitamin" was this that caused bodies to turn on a flush exactly like a previous sunburn, showing the exact pattern of a bathing suit outline?

Could it be, Hubbard wondered, that niacin in itself does not cause a flush, but instead causes the body to start discharging old waste materials that had been stored in the fatty tissue? What if these people were simply recovering from a prior case of sun poisoning, acquired from too much sunbathing while in a swim suit? The subjects in this research program took carefully controlled dosages of niacin. At a 200 mg. (milligram) dose, the "sunburnlike" flushes eventually disappeared, at which point the dose was increased to 500 mg. At a 500 mg. dose, the flushes recurred, but with less intensity, at which point the dose was increased to 1000 mg. (which equals one gram). At a 1000 mg. dose, there was a small reaction for several days, at which point the dose was increased, and so on. Finally, at a 2000 mg. dose, Hubbard reported, there were no more niacin flush "side" effects. "The person would feel fine, his 'sunburn' would be gone, and he would experience no more flush from the niacin."

Both British and American pharmacopoeia agencies, Hubbard also pointed out, "advertised" that the niacin flush -- presumably an intrinsic characteristic of the vitamin -- is inherently negative to the body, and thus "toxic" in large amounts. "But if niacin was toxic," the author asked, "how was it that the more you 'overdosed' [on] it the sooner you no longer experienced the sunburnlike flushes from it?" Those in orthodox medicine circles hypothesized that this was an example of the body's adjusting to unfavorable conditions by repressing the symptoms, and thus appearing asymptomatic. But this hypothesis was completely unsatisfactory, in view of the bathing suit outline on the test subjects! Nevertheless, Hubbard's revealing evidence was mostly ignored by mainstream doctors and scientists. They didn't consider Hubbard qualified to do research, regardless of how carefully he designed his experiments or how coherent and rational his observations were.

Six years later, Hubbard had the opportunity to gather even more compelling data when working with subjects who had been exposed to fallout from atomic bomb tests, atomic accidents, and materials that had been part of an old atomic bomb explosion. "In 1956," he wrote, "niacin was reacting differently on people than it had in 1950, and the effects were more severe."

People on the research program in 1950 had experienced only past sunburn flushes. In 1956, people on the research program, while experiencing a flush, were also experiencing nausea, skin irritations, hives, colitis and other uncomfortable manifestations, on the same vitamin and in the same dosages as had been used in 1950.

One highly significant detail is that some of the same people participated in both Hubbard's earlier and later research. What had changed? Only the newly developed health problems the subjects brought with them to the second research project! The first group of research subjects, who needed to recover from sun poisoning, developed symptoms uniquely related to their condition. The second group manifested symptoms specific to atomic radiation poisoning (as well as more symptoms in general) because they had been exposed to nuclear waste. Hubbard's explanation 50 years ago was convincing then, and seems equally convincing today: that niacin is an effective and powerful catalyst that induces the body's detoxification response without itself becoming transformed in the change. Niacin's use in sauna therapy is also a wonderful choice since its dilation of surface blood vessels allows heat to escape.

======end excerpt======

--By the way, I'm glad to be re-subscribed to this list, after a fairly long hiatus.


Nenah Sylver, PhD
* author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
* author, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
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