I was having trouble taking forms of iodine while on the Synthroid. In my 
system it didn't work. I got off the Synthroid and am taking Armour which is 
natural. I have been taking some Thytrophin PMG too (a natural supplement not 
drug) I had the Biomeridian testing and a different doctor wanted me to take 
that. I am going to go back and be retested with the Biomeridian testing. I 
feel a lot better. I felt bad for years! My body temp had been so low for 
years. I took my temp and it was up to 98.4 and that's the highest most normal 
I've been in years. Ask your doctor to switch you to Armour. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ruth Bertella 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 1:32 PM
  Subject: CS>Iodine

  Hi groups!!  (1st post to DMSO group with this)

  This is one more effort to see if anyone can point me in the right direction 
in solving my thyroid issues.  I didn't receive any response to my last post, 
and hoped I might get a few suggestions this time around.

  As some of y'all may have read in previous posts, I began taking Lugol's 5% 
iodine in mid Sept., then changed to Magnascent in Oct. in an attempt to 
regulate my low thyroid (hypothyroidism) and to be able to stop taking the 
generic form of 75 mcg of Synthroid my doctor has prescribed.  I don't really 
notice much difference in the Lugol's and Magnascent.  (was hoping it'd help 
with aching feet and hands as well as my thyroid)   I am up to 12 drops twice 
per day and the only difference WAS that I feel somewhat more energetic and 
waking up earlier in the mornings.  I quit taking the Synthroid last Saturday 
to see if that might help and am now having problems with feeling energetic 
enough to get out of bed.   I am still "painting" the 2% Lugol's on the soles 
of my feet each night and it's always soaked in by the next morning.  So 
apparently I haven't reached "saturation" as I had read should happen when I 
was ingesting enough iodine for my body's needs.  I was also hoping this might 
provide some relief for the feet and hand pain I started having somewhere 
around May or June of this year (thinking I might try a 20/80 mix of CS/DMSO 
for this - any comments?).  Also, does anyone have a suggestion on the "name" 
of a search I could do for the feet/hand thing?  I highly value all the input 
y'all give on all our various health issues and hope you can steer me in the 
direction I need to be going.  I'm truly trying to learn how to help myself 
more, and your guidance will be invaluable to me!

  Thanks in advance!!
  Ruth B.