MMS-related topics, PART 4 (of 6)
 [This is the continuation of an email from October 2002]
[NENAH] Now let's take a look at the pertinent data on the label of Inner 
Light's Prime pH. Among the usual information (name of company, address, 
dosage, standard warning about not taking it if you're pregnant or nursing, the 
product is not intended to treat or prevent any disease, etc.), it says:
"Prime pH is highly alkaline. Do not apply to eyes, skin or any other area of 
the body. Always dilute in water." Fair enough. People take hydrochloric acid 
(HCl) tablets to help with digestion if the stomach doesn't produce enough HCl, 
but they must swallow the tablet with water rather than chew the tablet or 
dissolve the tablet in water and then drink it. Otherwise, the HCl will burn 
them. Substances that are highly acidic OR highly alkaline can burn.
But here's what to me is the really important part of the label. The "contents" 
section reads: "Supplement Facts: Sodium chlorite ion as Sodium (5%)"
Here's the punchline. Even assuming that Chlorine Dioxide is toxic -- FOR WHICH 
supplement produced by Inner Light is DIFFERENT from ClO2. The chemical name of 
Sodium Chlorite is NaClO2. This appears to be the "stabilized chlorine dioxide" 
discussed in the last paragraph of the last excerpt, which says, "The correct 
description of this [stabilized chlorine dioxide] is stabilized chlorite." An 
important distinction! Interestingly, that website also states that "though 
stabilized chlorite is also an oxidizing agent, it is not nearly as powerful as 
chlorine dioxide" -- the implication being that because of this, Chlorite is 
not as good as Chlorine Dioxide. However, we are not using Sodium Chlorite to 
try to disinfect a reservoir. We are using it inside the human body. A little 
can go a long way. 
Getting back to the "Na" before the "ClO2" in Inner Light's IONIC supplement: 
one letter difference in a chemical formula can make the difference between a 
compound that is poisonous or healing. For instance, zinc is listed as a heavy 
metal. Yet people who take mineral supplements know that zinc helps prevent 
colds and is a much needed mineral by the body -- so how can it be poisonous? 
The answer lies in the FORM in which zinc is found. Similarly, some minerals in 
their ionic form are assimilable by the body and therefore healing, whereas in 
their non-ionic form they are not. 
. . . Note the word "ion" on the Prime pH label. Until I am told by a chemist 
that ClO2 is poisonous to humans in tiny amounts and is identical to NaClO2 -- 
or that NaClO2 in its own right has negative characteristics and effects -- I 
will continue to take Prime pH.
If anyone would like to purchase Prime pH from me for testing, to either prove 
or disprove its safety and/or efficacy, I will be very happy to sell any amount 
at my wholesale distributor's price, plus shipping. . . .